Sunday, February 14, 2010

All You Need is Love

In this house, love is all you need, because without it, would grown men REALLY dress up like princesses?

Or would you be enamored with every little expression your baby makes?

Would you spend $26 dollars on a t-shirt for your 2-year old, just because you think it's funny?

In only a few short months, I have come to see that sister love is the best love!

Happy Valentine's Day! Mama/Martha Stewart decided to make Sadie's Valentine's Day present this year- a matching/memory game with pictures of all her friends. Needless to say, it was a big hit for the little girl!

Here's my little baby Valentine, just moments before we had a code brown and had to throw away this adorable but unsalvageable onesie...

Here's one that I happened to catch on the camera... one of the three times that Ruby has rolled over!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

those are all so so cute, but thank you most of all for posting my favorite picture ever.