Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tea Party

This morning Sadie discovered a ceramic tea set that she had gotten for Christmas last year which I had hidden in her closet. Given its ceramic-ness, I didn't feel as though it was safe to be dropped throughout the house, hence the reason I had hidden it. She, however, was intent on. "tea!" all afternoon, so she enjoyed her first tea party alongside Elmo and Kitty.

She made certain that Kitty got sugar AND cream in his tea....

And shoved spoonfuls of sugar down Elmo's mouth.

Then posed with Mama and said, "Teeeeaaaaaa!"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

6 weeks!

Well we "officially" have just 6 weeks left till Sadie's sister is due to make her appearance, and although I haven't been as good about documenting this pregnancy as I was about documenting my pregnancy with Sadie, I did take a photo today!

Just for comparison, here is me, 34 weeks prego with baby #2:

And just about 34 weeks prego with Sadie:

I'm hoping these next 6 weeks fly by, as we are all getting excited for the newest addition to the Reardon clan to arrive!