Saturday, January 31, 2009

Auntie Em! Auntie Em!

Sadie's Auntie Em (also known as Auntie Winnah) headed up to Newburyport from Boston this afternoon, and spent some quality time with her niece. Together they:


...and danced some more...

...watched some Irish singers on TV...

... and ate dinner in front of the fire.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Gettin' Started!

I have been inspired by a good friend to start a blog. Uploading pictures onto facebook  is one thing, but I am hoping that this will act more as a journal to share stories about our family and connect with our friends and family. 

With that said, here are some photos from the past few months, just to get us started.

Sadie has thoroughly enjoyed her swimming classes that she's taken at the Newburyport YWCA. She loves to "kick kick kick" and swim to attain as many water toys as possible during class. She even lets me dunk her under water every now and then!

Hamming it up for a Christmas card photo.

We decided to start a tradition this year of taking a photo of Sadie in her bed each Christmas morning. Clearly she was not pleased with out decision.

Sadie's monkey birthday cake and cupcakes that Mamma made her for her birthday party.

She truly loved having everyone sing, "Happy Birthday" to her.

Sadie has loved getting all bundled up to play in the snow this winter!