Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Small Spaces

Unfortunately Sadie had an accident on Monday afternoon while going down the slide with her Mamma and injured her foot. She wasn't able to put any weight on it, so we brought her in for x-rays, and turns out the poor little girl has a broken growth plate! The doctor gave us a choice of whether or not to cast it, saying that either way she would be uncomfortable- either the cast would be uncomfortable or her foot would be hurting, so we decided not to cast it and to re-asses in a few days. We were told the not wearing a cast wouldn't be detrimental to the healing process. So that's that. She doesn't seem to be in any pain, unless she tries to stand or walk on it. She's been a real trooper, and it certainly hasn't stopped her from crawling about the house and searching for small spaces to maneuver into.

1 comment:

Dadda said...

Sadie is a tough little girl. I love the pics of her crawling under the table.